This listing is valid for the general overview of attacking costs by the real estate purchase.

All unique fees are included in your cash investment!

With the purchase of a real estate in Italy attack for the buyer a row of unique and yearly returning taxes and fees.

For a suitable overview we have broken down the taxes and fees ordinarily by a purchase of a real estate result.
In our special case almost all points are cancelled for the limited partner because the Immo-Italia are the buyer. With the exception of the taxes then as an owner for the time after the transference result.

Taxes & fees by the real estate purchase

With the purchase of a real estate different taxes (tasse) and fees (imposte) result for the buyer. These are in Italy with highest in whole Europe! Still before the end of a provisional agreement (contratto preliminare) you should find out exactly about the height of all attacking taxes and fees and these can be confirmed at best in writing.


Beside purchase of land tax absolutely to be paid, as well as yearly attacking real estate tax and income tax, are to be paid in some cases with the acquisition of a real estate in Italy also value added tax.

Attention in Italy the real estate sticks for all not yet come under the statute of limitations tax liabilities (debito d’imposta), even if these concern the previous owner. To diminish this risk, the Italian real estate law intends an explicit explanation of the shop assistant (venditore) that he has given the article in his last income tax explanation (imposta sul reddito), otherwise he sticks towards the buyer (acquirente). Remember anyway before end of the bill of sale to get this document of the shop assistant.

Purchase of land tax

The purchase of land tax absolutely resulting by a real estate purchase (imposta sugli acquisti immobiliari) consists of register tax (imposta Tu registro), Mortgage-expensive (imposta ipotecaria) and cadastral tax (imposta catastale). She becomes due by end of the bill of sale with the notary public.

The purchase of land tax is extremely variable there one in Italy not only between kind of the acquired real estate (private or commercial real estate, property with or without planning permission, agricultural property) and kind of the future use (first residence or not), but also after shop assistant’s type (private individual, company, construction company) makes a distinction.

Basis for assessment for the purchase of land tax is the retail price given in the bill of sale. By the sales of residential real estate among private individuals the cadastral value substantially lower as a rule than basis for assessment can be also pulled up since the 1/1/2006. Then this is multiplied by a fixed coefficient accordingly of the Verwendungszecks of the real estate (115.5 for first residence; 126 for second residence).

Calculation of the basis for assessment for the purchase of land tax:

The cadastral value of a real estate amounts to 800 euros.

  • As a first residence used real estate: 800 ∗ 115.5 = 92,400 euros
  • As a second residence used real estate: 800 ∗ 126 = 100,800 euros

Value added tax

By the purchase of new buildings directly from the building contractor the value added tax (IVA) still comes. Also here the height of the attacking value added tax is dependent on whether you use the real estate as a first residence or otherwise and which kind of real estate it concerns.

Income tax

Should you achieve with your real estate in future income from renting or lease, the taxable income of 85% of the gross rent is calculated. Please, note that in Italy also the self-used real estate property of the income tax (IRPEF – imposta sul reddito depression persone fisiche) is defeated. In this case the income tax is determined with the help of the cadastral yield. This means that you are also obliged as a foreign real estate owner, in any case, to the delivery of an Italian tax return! The income tax becomes in two rates the 30th of June (1st deposit) and the 30th of November (2. Deposit / balance) paid.

Real estate tax

Beside the income tax is also an annual municipal real estate tax (IMU – to pay imposta municipale unica). The real estate tax is paid in two rates: 50% up to the 16th of June and 50% up to the 16th of December. With uninhabitable real estate the real estate tax will remit to 50%. As a basis for assessment the cadastral yield (rendita catastale) serves for both the real estate, indeed varies the IMU of municipality for municipality and is depending on size, situation, age, state and status (categoria) of the real estate. These signs are put down in a notarial document (rogito) which is deposited in the cadastral office. If the real estate is used as a first residence, the real estate tax is cancelled, except it concerns a luxury real estate (cadastral categories A1, A8 and A9). more

Be due

Other fees, by the purchase of a real estate result, e.g., the fees are for the notary public, the lawyer’s costs, the broker’s commission as well as other expenses for perhaps consulted consultants or architects: Think also of it this all these services with 22% of VAT are taxed.

Notary public’s fees

The fee of the notary public is extremely variable, however, a large part of the amount of work involved of the notary public amounts quite roughly said between 3,000 and 4,000 euros plus to 22% of VAT There always the same working steps enclosed, independent of the price of the real estate and the extent of the bill of sale, the costs of the notary public are proportionately the higher, the lower the retail price is.

The calculation of the notary public also contains the purchase of land taxes, other achievements claimed by you and other in your name effected, issues. The reimbursement of the notary public is due to usual by end of the bill of sale and is to be paid either directly on site by cheque or, however, few days later by bank credit transfer.

Lawyer’s costs

Above all if it around upscale real estate goes it is no rarity that a lawyer is consulted for the winding up of the purchase formalities. According to arrangement this calculates for his activities approx. 1% to 2% of the purchase price stated in the bill of sale, or, however, a fixed price on the basis of the amount of work involved.

Broker’s fee

There are no universally valid control sentences what the fee of the broker concerns. Nevertheless, in principle the broker receives a certain percentage of the retail price from the buyer as well as from the shop assistant of the real estate. In the Gardasee region a broker’s commission of 3% to 4% is usual. To avoid unsightly surprises or tiresome disputes, it is advisable to fix the height of the commission right at the beginning of the cooperation with a real estate agency.


The not too high costs of a consultant are worthwhile anyway in in consideration of the sum which you must invest for a real estate.



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