In Italy there is, apart from South Tirol and isolated smaller areas, no land register system (sistema tavolare) – is consequently necessary for the transference of the real estate property no registration in the land register.

Because property contracts must be still published, however, the registration of the bill of sale is in the so-called. The bill of sale unfolds immovable register (Con-servatoria dei Registri Immobiliari) compelling condition, otherwise towards third no effect.

The ownership structures should arise from the registrations in the immovable register in a property unambiguously. That’s why all processes of the proprietary crossing are noted in principle in the immovable register and the matching contracts or hereditary ways are administered. On this occasion, accredited contracts may be registered only notarially.

The land register delivers against it no information about the ownership structures in a property, but provides merely information about the technical data. On this occasion, it is distinguished between “Nuovo catasto terreni” (N.C.T.) which registers the property according to hall plan, and “Nuovo catasto edilizio urbano” (N.C.E.U). which grasps all detailed property data, among the rest, also the cadastral yield (rendita catastale) from which the tax relevant cadastral value (valore catastale) is calculated.

The land register differentiates the properties in kind, situation and valency in different categories. These serve above all the tax treatment of a property.

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