The life of the Italians wakes longings
The Italian temperament is legendary; it is a true symbol of passionate, receptive and free people. This was not accidental Stereotyped. The Italians are incredibly spirited and open. Nevertheless, depending on the region of the residence her character can vary. The Italians fancy no life without communication – they carry on informal conversations with every opportunity, all the same how she trusts with her interlocutor are. The Italians begin every day with a cup of strong aromatic coffee and end every evening with a glass of wine in the society of narrow friends or relatives. Meet friends, relatives or friends, kiss each other necessarily twice on the cheeks.
The daily routine in Italy is quite free. In the morning begin traditionally with a cup of coffee and newly-wed goods. The Italians are not accustomed to eat on the run and, therefore, enjoy the morning coffee slowly; wake and prepare for a new day. In the afternoons in Italy there is a three-hour-long siesta which enables to the locals to spend time for the lunch with her family or friends. The company during food is an important aspect of the Italian culture. Italians are uninterested to the Fastfood. It contradicts her kind to live as they are accustomed to enjoy the process of food.
Another important sign of the Italian character is a reverent position in accordance with the family. Family values have priority before many other. Family for the Italian is not only parents, brothers and sisters, but also numerous ‘distant’ relatives: Cousins, uncles, aunts and nephews. In families women take a dominating position. They administer not only the household, but also lead often her men and solve important informal problems. Children are spoilt. From her childhood they are educated by her parents, particularly from mothers. They can often meet a 30-year-old Italian who lives with his mother, so that he can look after them. Children in Italian families do not hasten generally to leave her parents.
The Italians marry late and select to themselves carefully a lifelong companion. This is due to a very complicated separation process. A mistake can be very expensive and a separation can last several years. Women are treated with special respect. Italian men are able to estimate beauty, taste in clothes and cultivated appearance, and thus the Italians always look after her appearance. It is usual to admire women, to congratulate them and to give flowers, although the feminist movement has easily changed the historically established practise. Sense for style is the Italian in the blood. They look always good, even the housewives who never go out without having thought to her clothes and not gathering the change purse which corresponds to her image.
In Italy rules a very being relaxing life rhythm. Italians love it, from all what they do to take pleasure, to enjoy any minute. Another interesting point in the life of the Italians is the fullness of laws and legislation acts which regulate the unexpected aspects of the life. For example, there is in the country a salt monopoly, and, therefore, sea water can also be a forbidden product. The dinner in Italy begins quite late, after 20.00 o’clock, and is accompanied by long talks and communication. Another national tradition is passeggiata, an evening walk. After one working day and a dinner the Italians go out into the streets with pleasure where they can talk to neighbours and friends.
The Italians love the communication incredibly, and, therefore, it is very easy to find among local friends. While getting to know they pay attention very much to where the person comes and what he does. The Italians are glad to find new friends and extend constantly her social circulation. Children in the country are very afraid. All facilities, from restaurants up to cinemas, are sensitive for small guests. Owners can give them a free serving of ice cream or maintain just the child. The Italians are accustomed to enjoy the life. They always smile and are glad sincerely about every communication. If somebody pushes mistakenly an Italian and apologises then, the incident can develop for an exchange of compliments and full acquaintance.
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