[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Immo-Italia – a strong community

  • You want to emigrate?
  • A yield object acquire favourably?
  • You would want itself your investment amortised?
  • You want to take vacation in own house or enjoy later your old age in own property, in wonderful Italy?

An emigration, it should succeed, needs a good preparation and planning. However, not only the organizational wants to be anxious, also the internal readiness and motivation to this step should be checked.

Our planning contains no Ad Hoc emigration, it is made not „for this moment“, but a specific plan, every single one can fix his stages itself and therefore freely to decisions, when he decides the step for a final emigration.

The advantages with our project are obvious and reduce therefore considerable dangers like they cannot be excluded with customary emigrating.

What must be followed

On account of the affiliation of Italy to the EU all complicated processes are cancelled compared with a not EU country.

This leads to far-reaching reliefs.

Whether company registration or foundation of a SRL. (Ltd) or independent or unindependent branches in connection with Germany are absolutely unproblematic.

For those they are done, it is a matter of checking whether perhaps an adequate job is available in Apulia. This is relevant when you decide on an immediate emigration. The project is, as already mentioned, thus jointedly it does justice to all claims.

You receive uncomplicated an Italian tax number and can operate therefore also independently. You can live so long in Germany like it your work or your independency required.

Fix which residence your main residence or second residence is.
This can have later tax advantages. All questions in connection with different tax models can be compiled by us.

General consideration
Mild sunny climate, dreamlike sceneries and a good kitchen make Italy an asked emigration country. Real estate is to be acquired easily, because there are not restrictions for citizens of the European Union.
However, the real estate prices considerably sway. Real estate in the regions is relatively expensive: To Upper Italian lakes, Tuscany and Italian Riviera. There are rather favourable old houses against it in the inland or further to the south to shop.

An obliging provisional agreement as well as a notary public’s contract are usual in Italy.

Nevertheless, before contract signing should be checked whether the real estate is loaded and whether all information is right.
Importantly: Also with a private contract without notary public a transfer of title is possible.
Nevertheless, this is connected with risks, because the shop assistant could load then the property theoretically still with a mortgage.
Moreover, we check whether also whether cultivations and rebuildings were approved or whether it concerns a black construction.
This can lead later to considerable problems.

Apulia (Puglia): Capital is Bari. Provinces of Foggia, Barletta-Andria-Trani, Taranto, Brindisi, Lecce and Bari.
In the south of Italy – boot sales. Apulia borders in the north on Molise, in the east in Kampanien and Basilikata, in the east to Adriatic and in the southwest to the Ionic sea.

The Trullis which there are only in Apulia are also known. In comparison to Tuscany, real estate, also by the sea or close to the beach is more favourable Apulia, currently still around something.

Apulia is valid with the prospective customers as a confidential tip.
During the last years more and more buyers have decided on Apulia who have looked before on Majorca. The season is much longer in Apulia, than on Majorca or other regions of Southern Europe, with the exception of the Canary islands. Apulia has approx. 300 solar days.[/vc_column_text][vc_masonry_media_grid grid_id=”vc_gid:1627034709892-1aaebb2c-442b-7″ include=”1000,1286,1287″][vc_column_text]© Wolfgang Pruscha – www.reise-nach-italien.de

The Trulli, the round houses typical of Apulia, are world-famous for their beauty and uniqueness.[/vc_column_text][vc_masonry_media_grid element_width=”3″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1627034709892-e7aa9549-277f-1″ include=”1323,1322,1321,1320,1319,1318,1317″][vc_column_text]They are one of the extraordinary examples of the Italian traditional architecture. In a historical period in which establishing firm dwellings was forbidden the inhabitants of this area have proved a big adaptability and imagination when they have thought up Trulli, this temporary only of local stone without mortar to built houses. The process of the change of the interim solution up to the habitability considering the genuineness of these constructions is the reason for the fact that Alberobello with Trulli was explained to the world cultural heritage.
In the southwest Murge and and above all in the Itria valley (Valle d’Itria) these constructions with white walls and conical roofs are spread very much. Alberobello where Trulli of different forms and dimensions are to be seen Trulli is looked as a capital. Often they are established as a single construction or also as a complex from different living rooms linked with each other. Some Trulli exist of two floors and most dispose of a conical grey roof which ends in a ball or hemisphere. The inside is mostly made up of one single space with niches for chimney, a bed and other pieces of furniture. Thanks to her construction method they dispose of a miraculous natural climate control, very chilly in summer and warmly in winter.

MASSERIA[/vc_column_text][vc_masonry_media_grid element_width=”3″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1627034709893-72b10c11-a7c6-7″ include=”1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296,1297,1298,1299,1300,1301,1302,1303,1304,1305,1306,1307,1308,1309,1310,1311,1312,1313,1314,1315,1316″][vc_column_text]The Apulian landscape is an area dotted with typical structures of the rural world such as masserie and trulli, born of specific human needs in different historical moments. Today, many of this fascinating architecture have been restored and converted into farmhouses, bed and breakfasts, holiday homes and villas. They are open to tourists who want to get to know the beauties of Puglia, who enjoy a different stay in nature and in the nature atmosphere exposed in time. Typical structures of Puglia: the masseria.

The Masseria is an aggregation of the rural buildings which are used for typical South-Italian farms, in particular for the agricultural areas of Apulia. The name is derived from the consumer durables, on the tools preserved in the region and fitments It point gives big stone buildings, in those landowners as well as farmers lived. It is a typology of a typical house of the sixteenth century, the result of the colonisation of aristocrats of the kingdom of two different areas in Sicily.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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