[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Health insurance in Italy
Prominent Italian health system
After the latest official statistics health system of Italy is one of the best ones of the world. It is no chance that it shows one of the highest life expectancies of Europe at the age of 82.9 years what can be led back on different factors, including the Mediterranean kitchen and the climate, in addition serves health problems of older people like to minimise bronchitis and pneumonia.
In comparison to Germany there are with the Italian health insurance some differences. The biggest one certainly lies in the fact that the medical basic care is free for all citizens. There are no classical legal health insurance schemes and therefore a health insurance comparison is also necessary.
There are no classical legal health insurance schemes and therefore a health insurance comparison is also necessary. The financing occurs from tax money as well as the payments of the employers. As a countermove only the costs of the state doctors are taken over. Assured must already decide in the approach on a family doctor who issues when required a transfer to a state specialist.
Moreover, the strong regional differences are to be followed. Which achievements are produced in detail the respective regions fix independently. Thus inhabitants of the richer north come in comparison to the poorer south to the pleasure of a better insurance cover.
A private health insurance, as it it gives in Germany, is unusual in Italy. Nevertheless, there are complementary insurances which also take over the costs at private doctors and hospitals. Besides, the health insurance is not combined in Italy with a nursing assurance. There are nursing assurances exclusively with private suppliers. Who was already insured in Germany and emigrates to Italy, receives in the nursing case the proportionate achievements paid.
Health insurance in Italy
Italy orders of a state with taxes financed health service. The single achievements are made available by the national health service (SSN, Servizio Sanitario Nazionale). Aim is to allow a uniform medical basic care with the help of the Italian health insurance to all citizens independent of the income and social state.
The SSN offers a free or very favourable medical basic care to locals and her families as well as students and pensioners. This is also valid for pensioner from other EU states which live in Italy and with which SSN are registered. Foreign visitors are entitled to an emergency care regardless of her nationality.
Differences to the German health system
In comparison to Germany there are with the Italian health insurance some differences. The biggest one certainly lies in the fact that the medical basic care is free for all citizens. There are no classical legal health insurance schemes and therefore a health insurance comparison is also necessary. The financing occurs from tax money as well as the payments of the employers. As a countermove only the costs of the state doctors are taken over. Assured must already decide in the approach on a family doctor who issues when required a transfer to a state specialist.
Moreover, the strong regional differences are to be followed. Which achievements are produced in detail the respective regions fix independently. Thus inhabitants of the richer north come in comparison to the poorer south to the pleasure of a better insurance cover.
A private health insurance, as it it gives in Germany, is unusual in Italy. Nevertheless, there are complementary insurances which also take over the costs at private doctors and hospitals. Besides, the health insurance is not combined in Italy with a nursing assurance. There are nursing assurances exclusively with private suppliers. Who was already insured in Germany and emigrates to Italy, receives in the nursing case the proportionate achievements paid.
Organisation of the Italian health service
At the beginning of the 1970s there were in Italy another about 100 health insurance schemes. This system was abolished in 1978 with introduction of the national health service. With a uniform achievement offer the government wanted to counteract against the strong slope between the rich north and the poor south. In practice this has not functioned so completely, so that there were meanwhile already four bigger reforms. Today the Italian health system is organised federalistic with a national, regional and local level.
- National level: The health ministry in Rome defines the aims for the SSN. Till 2004 the financial means from the national fund (FSN) were assigned to the other levels. Meanwhile there is only an equalisation fund with which underdeveloped regions are supported. An other job of the national level is the control of the medicament market. Besides, the health ministry is responsible for prevention programmes, for example, with infos about vaccinations.
- Regional level: The regional governments fix all three years for her area a health plan. In it is fixed under the distribution of the financial means to hospitals and other local health units. In addition efficiency, quality and supply of the single services is controlled by the local government.
- Local level: At local level there are the Unita Sanitarie bars (USL). Per USL are examined between 50,000 and 200,000 inhabitants. To be able to take up health achievements every citizen must announce himself more personally with the USL responsible for him. With the registration a health map which allows the free choice of a general doctor is issued.
Financing of the Italian health insurance
With a state health system the financing occurs as a rule from public means. Nevertheless, in Italy this is different a little bit. Thus only 37.5 percent of the costs with tax money are financed. Other 40.8 percent come from the insurance premiums which are completely taken over from the employer. This leads away 2.88 percent of the gross earnings to the health service. Independent ones must take over this amount themselves. The remaining money comes from private additional payments.
Which achievements are taken over in Italy?
The Italian health system lays his focus on the treatment and recovery of patients. Measures to the prevention like regular health cheques are hardly supported against it. The following achievements belong to the free medical basic care:
- Treatments with a general doctor
- Treatments with paediatricians
- Obstetrics and gynäkologische investigations (from a certain income a deduction is planned).
- stationary stays in the hospital
- Verschreibungspflichtige drugs
- Dental treatments
Prescribing of drugs is strongly regulated in Italy. Thus cold remedies, sleeping remedies and natural remedies are not taken over in general. The drugs which are especially expensive or have many side effects may be often prescribed only by specialists. Besides, an additional payment whose height of the regions are fixed is necessary as a rule. This reaches from a low recipe fee up to the complete assumption of costs. People more than 65 as well as children less than 14 years are released as a rule from an additional payment. Same is also valid for employee with low income.
To take up the free health services locals and emigrants must register themselves at the local health agency. For this the following documents are required:
- valid identity card
- Tax number (codice fiscale)
- Registration certificate
- perhaps employment contract
If all documents exist, health insurance map (Tessara sanitaria) is issued. Members are automatically listed on the map and receive the same achievements. Moreover the husbands who are not insured themselves as well as children belong less than 16 years. For studying and incapacitated children the age limit lies with 26 years. The other relatives who live in the same household and financial ones are supported are also secured.
Payments in the form of sickness benefit receive only worker. With a medically certified unfitness for work achievements are paid for maximum six months. Patients receive from 1. to the 20th day 50 percent and from the 21st day 66.66 percent of the gross earnings. Employees are entitled to a legal continued pay for at least three months.
Ill care in Italy
The ambulant care is carried out, primarily, by a so-called base doctor or primary doctor. On this occasion, it concerns a general doctor or a paediatrician. Assured must sign up at the local health agency on the list of a doctor which includes per general practitioner up to 1,500 and per paediatrician up to 800 patients. These so-called family doctors are done at the local health agencies or are bound by contract to it. When required the transfer occurs to specialists. For this an additional fee originates according to region between 13 and 36 euros (state in 2016).
Who is ill, proceeds first to his family doctor. With some luck has to this speech hour and can take over the treatment. Appointments are rather unusual with general practitioners. The patients pull a number in the waiting room and are posttreated to the row. In urgent cases go most to the Pronto Soccorso, the emergency service of the state hospitals. For treatments with the specialist must be waited for an appointment often several months.
Health insurance for emigrants and students in Italy
Who lives in Italy and works, receives basically the same insurance achievements like locals. Nevertheless, on account of the often long waiting periods at publicly hired doctors it is necessary over and over again to visit a private health service. These costs are not taken over by the state health insurance. The visit with a general doctor costs between 50 and 80 euros. For a specialist must be calculated on expenditures from up to 150 euros. Therefore, the end of a private health insurance is recommended. For the foreigners whom no state health achievements are entitled this is prescribed even obliging.
For the employees who were sent by her employer to Italy the social insurance cover of the homeland reaches furthermore. Same is also valid for student who finish a foreign semestre in Italy. Before the departure one should look after the European health insurance map. This is issued by the health insurance scheme free of charge.
Is to be noted that only the achievements of the state health service can be used with a general practitioner as well as in the hospital. Who visits a specialist, must stretch out the costs which are refunded in the homeland only partially. The legal health insurance schemes take over only the standard sentences usual in Germany. Therefore, an additional foreign health insurance is urgently to be recommended.
Is there a private health insurance for Italy?
About 30 percent of the Italians own a private health insurance. On this occasion, as a rule it concerns the complementary insurances with which also private health achievements can be taken up.
The formerly state national social security institute (Instituto Nazionale depression Assicurazioni/INA) belongs to the biggest insurers in Italy. Here insured persons can choose between numerous insurance policies and tune the insurance cover exactly to the personal need. Other known enterprises are Europe Assistance, Filo Diretto, Pronto Assistance and Sanicard.
Besides, there is a row of the European insurers who pursue own offices in Italy. These offer mostly special insurance policies for non-inhabitants who contain, among the rest, also a return in the homeland. Are also taken over the transportation of a corpse to the funeral in the homeland. Besides, foreign insurance policies have the advantage that doctors, specialists, medical centres or hospitals can be freely chosen in Italy as well as abroad.
Costs for a PKV in Italy
The costs for a private health insurance are extremely different and are always directed after the agreed achievements. For a 4-headed family must be calculated on an annual contribution between 1,300 and 2,000 euros. Is to be noted that the contributions are higher for older people as a rule.
Foreign health insurance for the Italy vacation
Who spends his vacation in Italy, a foreign health insurance should conclude basically. There is this for singles already from about 10 euros yearly. Families can protect themselves for a yearly subscription of about 30 euros. The insurance policy is valid for any number of foreign tours within one year. With most offers the maximum travel duration is limited to 42 days. However, there are also rates which are valid 56 or even 70 days. For longer trips special foreign health insurances are offered.
A good foreign health insurance refunds all important medical achievements by full height. Moreover belong in particular:
- ambulant medical treatments, X-ray diagnostics and operations
- medically enacted medicaments, association means and remedies
- stationary clinic stays
- analgesic dental treatment, dental fillings and repair of set of dentures
- Transport to the next hospital
- Back transport to the place of residence
Investigations and treatments during a pregnancy are also taken over from good insurance policies. Here must be respected in the conditions to the terms for newborn children. Then, however, with some rates the contract of a parent must already have existed since at least three months.
Who is ill-insured in Germany privately, should check whether the protection is also valid for Italy. Some rates also take over abroad the full costs, while the insurance cover is limited with others. In the case of doubt a foreign health insurance is also recommended here.
Public hospitals in Apulia recommended.